October 3, 2009

Day Four and ALL is Better!

Wow! What a first 4 days with my Foster Family!

Here is a list of all the things I learned in just 4 days

My recall is 90% (up from 0% on day one, plus main reason for surrender).
I am E-fenced trained so I can run,run RUN!
I sleep outside of a create in the bedroom of a human family member.
I am house trained. This was an instant learn on my part.
I shake a lot less.
I can run along side a peddle bike while on a lead very well.

Stay tuned for more photos. As today was my first real FREE day, Foster Mom hasn't had much time to pull out a camera. But be sure to watch! I am supper cute and sweet. You will see...

P.S. All my training in the last 4 days has been done with love and care. I am a super fast learner so it only took the 'love' AND 'care' to show me how things really work in a 'pet-family-member' type of environment.